Virtual Assets Services and Crypto Licensing

Establishing a Virtual Assets Company in the UAE

The UAE is at the forefront of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Through our specialized virtual assets services, we are dedicated to facilitating the opening of crypto virtual licenses. As leaders in this space, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in this rapidly-evolving industry. Our experts bring a wealth of knowledge in navigating the complexities of crypto regulation in the UAE.

Whether you're launching an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Security Token Offering (STO), or exploring blockchain integration for your existing enterprise, our consultancy services guide you through the entire process set by the Virtual Assets Regulatory Association (VARA). From structuring your blockchain company to ensuring compliance with changing regulations, we provide tailored solutions suited to your specific needs.

The Process of Crypto Licensing in the UAE

The Process of Crypto Licensing in the UAE

The process of attaining a crypto license in the UAE is as follows:

  • Fill in the application of cryptocurrency license form from your chosen jurisdiction like VARA and ADGM. ;
  • Submit the signed cryptocurrency license form together with all the shareholders’ names and required company documents;
  • Complete the required payment to your chosen jurisdiction;
  • Your cryptocurrency license will be issues within a week of approval.
  • With our depth of experience in cryptocurrency in the UAE, we are equipped to handle this process end-to-end while you focus on the things that really matter.

    The Cost of Obtaining a Crypto License in the UAE

    The Cost of Obtaining a Crypto License in the UAE

    The cost of obtaining a crypto license and launching your company in the UAE depends on a number of factors, including the business jurisdiction you select. For an accurate, personalized quote, please send us an inquiry.


    Contact Us

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    Downtown, Dubai, UAE

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd -
    Downtown Dubai

    Dubai - United Arab Emirates

    [email protected]
    04 524 7803

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      us today


        Download Business Setup Guide

        Everything You Need to Know in Opening a Company in the UAE