Funding & Ventures

Fundraising assistance for the businesses of tomorrow.

Capital Fundraising Solutions for Modern Business

Every great business idea needs the capital required to get it off the ground. As leading business consultants in the UAE, we’re perfectly placed to help you raise the funds you need to get your enterprise off to the best possible start.

We possess the expertise, real-world fundraising experience, and contacts needed to raise substantial capital and introduce you to the partners who can take your business to the next level. We’re a business consultancy that can help you with everything from venture capital and angel investments to negotiating deals and identifying potential partners.

Funding and venture

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Funding & Venture Services



Our business and marketing consultants in the UAE can help you with all the tasks required to launch a new business in the GCC region.

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We have the expertise, experience, and contacts to turbocharge your startup from the outset and deliver long-term growth.

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Why Choose Us for Funding & Ventures?

We have been raising funds for startups and business expansion for many years. During that time, we’ve developed many productive working relationships with investors. We are business consultants in Dubai with the expertise needed to raise the capital for the businesses of tomorrow.

Let Us Facilitate Your Business Upgrade

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Explore Our Other
Business Consulting Services

Management Consultancy Advisory

Management Consultancy Advisory

We provide insights and strategies that turbocharge businesses.

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Corporate Solutions

Corporate Solutions

We know how to set up GCC businesses for growth and long-term results.

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Get in touch

Downtown, Dubai, UAE

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd -
Downtown Dubai

Dubai - United Arab Emirates

[email protected]
04 524 7803

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    us today


      Download Business Setup Guide

      Everything You Need to Know in Opening a Company in the UAE